Vision and Intent Statements

Successful business change starts with a Vision and Intent Statement. Generally short-term (3 – 5 years), this represents how your organisation, in its current state, will achieve its vision.

Understanding what fuels and inspires your vision helps us interpret  your organisational strategies, goals and objectives. This results in a helicopter view of where you want to be – your future state.


This service is totally tailored to your needs.

Our experts use best practice methods such as SWOT analysis, scenario planning, PESTLE analysis, business architecture and Porter’s value chain model.

From our analysis, we produce business architecture artefacts models to structure your Vision and Intent document. We then collaborate with you to find the best way of communicating this to your employees, partners and stakeholders.


You will immediately benefit from clarity about your overall organisation direction. Having a tailored IT Vision and Intent Statement will make it easier for you to build unity, engage your team and communicate the strategic intent of your future vision to all stakeholders.

Contact Us

Speak to our experts to discover how a Vision and Intent Statement can set the scene for strategic change.